Preface to The Habit Flip
I think you may find this as a very interesting and somewhat different self-help/personal development book. Why is it interesting and different? Well, because the author (yours truly) is actually living the system I am writing about while I am writing the book (and for those of you on or, you can read this "real time") . I am the first subject to actually go through the system!
In essence, you are reading a real-time journal of my efforts to dramatically change my life through a simple process of identifying my bad habits and then replacing those bad habits with new positive ones. You’ll benefit from my information gathering and research on habit establishment and replacement, and also my first-hand experience in changing my own life through this process.
Throughout the book, I’ll be periodically giving updates of my own personal progress using my own system. You’ll see how my book and my life unfolds throughout the process of developing and using my “Habit Flip” system. I’ll share the good and the bad, the hard and the easy. And at the end, you’ll see what I’ve been able to accomplish following this system (if anything at all).
This book is definitely not rocket science. I would call it “advanced common sense”. But sometimes, just by seeing a path of success tread by another, it will give you an idea on how to tread a similar path of success for yourself. And it will have some top-of-the-line thinking and research included, so you can have confidence that you can make these changes too.
As you proceed through the book, I recommend that you also live the process as you are reading the book. Then you can see how well you are doing vs. me (using me as a measuring stick per se). Honestly, my personal belief is that reading a self-help book without actively participating in the exercises and strategies shared in the book is pretty much a waste of time. Why read about making your life better if you aren’t willing to make your life better? So give this process a try. I think in this circumstance, the process is both simple and somewhat easy. Nothing too advanced here – this book will be filled with very pragmatic and practical information and strategies designed to change your life for the better NOW. Not two years from now. Not five years from now. RIGHT NOW. So get going! Make your life better. Start a new positive habit right here and now, and turn the next page (read the next blogpost)!
Randy Dean
July 5, 2006